Series of workshops and experts seminars

Managing cancer patients - best practices, most effective solutions, new systems and process design in oncology on different European markets
About the project
ONCOROUNDTABLE is a series of pan-European events in a hybrid seminar formula dedicated to best practices, most effective solutions, new systems and process design in oncology in different European markets.
The aim of the Onco-roundtable is to discuss and exchange experiences on effective methods of organising processes and therapies in oncology in different therapeutic areas. During the series of workshops and seminars, experts discuss how the optimal patient pathway should be designed and managed, based on best practices from different European countries.
Over the past year, four meetings were held in different cities in Central and Eastern Europe: Bucharest (Romania), Warsaw (Poland), Karpacz (Poland), and Prague (Czech Republic). During the seminars, many international experts discussed and shared their knowledge, experience and best practices in early diagnosis and treatment of lung, prostate, pancreatic and liver cancer. As a result, a list of recommendations for managing cancer patients was prepared (available to download).
Below you can find the recordings of these meetings, photos and the brochure with recommendations.
Photos from the meetings:
29 November 2022, Prague - here
Brochure "Recommendations for managing cancer patients" - (PDF) download
Seminars recordings
Project partners
Polish Coalition of Personalized Medicine
Institute for Innovation and Responsible Development INNOWO